Balancing Work, Life, and Family as a Female Leader: An Overlooked but Vital Conversation

by pilar
6 minutes read

It’s no secret that women still shoulder most family caretaking responsibilities. Even as they continue to make strides in the workforce. This added responsibility can make it challenging for women to achieve balance in their personal and professional lives. This is a challenge that is rarely acknowledged in discussions of work-life balance. While there are plenty of books and gurus that discuss how to dominate and find balance, there is a key demographic missed in those conversations; working mothers.

Burnout Is An Occupational Hazard

While a very similar conversation can be had about the traditional cis male role, it’s important to note that there are absolute outliers and exceptions to this conversation. But the traditional cis female role is still very much a work in progress. The pressure to “do it all” and be a “perfect” parent, partner, and professional is palpable. It can lead to feelings of guilt, stress, and burnout. In fact, working mothers are almost 30% more likely to experience burnout than working dads. For many women, the idea of balancing work and family seems like an impossible goal. Pursuing balance can quickly become a never-ending cycle of self-criticism and feelings of failure. So how do we actually find “balance”?

First of all, “balance” is an impossible task assigned from the perspective of a dualistic, win/lose, zero-sum game, world. The goal is not to achieve balance. The goal is to achieve harmony and flow. A flow and harmony that feels like unity.

The Importance of Mental Wellness To Achieve Harmony

In the midst of this struggle and conversation, it’s important to remember that mental wellness is key to finding the elusive “balance,” which, for the remainder of this article, we’re gonna switch up the goal and talk about HARMONY. The reality is that life is inherently unpredictable, and the idea of “doing it all” is a myth. Focusing on our mental health and well-being is more important than trying to achieve an unattainable standard of perfection.

When it comes to balancing work, life, and family, and first things first, it’s essential to prioritize self-care. This may seem like one of those things that is talked about a lot with little return, but a real commitment to self-care is a sure fire way to reduce stress. When you reduce stress, you’re able to prioritize better. And you’ll generally have better vitality to take on the tasks at hand. This can include taking time for hobbies and interests and seeking support from loved ones. But especially engaging in activities that bring joy and fulfillment. By taking care of our mental health, we can cultivate a sense of “balance”. Even in the midst of a busy and demanding life.

Practical Approaches for “Balancing” Work, Life, and Family To Ultimately Find Harmony

  1. Prioritize Your Values: The first step in finding harmony is to identify and prioritize your core values in your life. This can help you decide how to allocate your time and resources. It can also provide a roadmap for setting and achieving personal and professional goals.
  2. Set Realistic Expectations: It’s essential to recognize that harmony is not a destination but an ongoing process. It’s essential to set realistic expectations and understand that there will be times when work, life, and family demands overlap. Rather than striving for perfection, aim for progress. Focus on finding ways to make the most of your time and energy.
  3. Embrace Flexibility: One of the biggest challenges in balancing work, life, and family is the unpredictable nature of life. Rather than trying to control the uncontrollable, embrace flexibility and find ways to adapt to changes and unexpected challenges. This can involve being open to telecommuting or flexible work schedules. Be open to seeking support from family and friends. Be proactive about managing stress and maintaining mental wellness.
  4. Make Time for Joy: Taking time for hobbies, interests, and activities that bring joy and fulfillment is crucial for maintaining mental wellness and achieving harmony. Whether it’s reading, practicing yoga, or spending time with loved ones, make time for the things that bring you happiness and peace.
  5. Seek Support: Finding harmony in work, life, and family can be a daunting task, and it’s essential to seek support from loved ones and colleagues. This can include delegating responsibilities at work, relying on a partner for help with family duties, or reaching out to friends for support and encouragement. It’s okay to ask for help! Building a supportive network can help ease the burden of trying to do it all. It can also provide an important sense of community and belonging.
  6. Practice Self-Care: Finally, it’s essential to prioritize self-care and make it a regular part of your routine. This can involve taking breaks throughout the day, engaging in physical activity, or simply taking a few minutes each day to practice mindfulness and meditation. Caring for yourself can recharge your batteries, reduce stress, and cultivate a sense of harmony and well-being. Struggling to find ways for self-care? Journal on the question: what nonobligatory activities bring me joy?

Doing It All Is Not An Option – Finding Harmony Is

A complex and challenging task for female leaders specially in light of the added responsibilities of family caretaking that are often expected of women. But by prioritizing mental wellness, embracing flexibility, seeking support, and making time for joy, female leaders can find harmony and achieve their goals, both professionally and personally. It’s time for a more inclusive conversation about work-life harmony that acknowledges the unique challenges faced by women and provides practical and effective solutions for maintaining harmony and well-being in the face of life’s many demands.

Want to learn more? Read this great article for even more resources.

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